Sale - Girl

From December 25th to February 28th, 2025, enjoy 40% to 50% off on selected Newborn, Baby, Child and Women's items.
Get an additional 15% discount when you purchase 3 or more discounted items (excluding accessories).

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Anne Dress blueberryRobe en velours cotelé

starting from CHF 205.00 CHF 102.50

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Mariela Dress camellia pinkRobe en laine et coton

starting from CHF 245.00 CHF 122.50

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Mariela Dress taupe flowersRoble fleurie en crêpe de coton

starting from CHF 220.00 CHF 110.00

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Bluebell Dress navyRobe ample en coton biologique imprimé exclusif Liberty

starting from CHF 370.00 CHF 185.00

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Comtesse Dress navyRobe en soie smockée rebrodée

starting from CHF 980.00 CHF 490.00

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Tish Dress grapeRobe en crêpe de coton à carreaux

starting from CHF 180.00 CHF 90.00

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Blossom Special Occasion Dress terracottaRobe en velours de soie smockée et rebrodée

starting from CHF 580.00 CHF 290.00

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Donatelle Dress camelRobe à carreaux en coton smockée et rebrodée

starting from CHF 480.00 CHF 240.00

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Tosca Dress blush pinkRobe en twill de coton gratté imprimée

starting from CHF 180.00 CHF 90.00

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Becky Dress medium grayRobe à carreaux en coton

starting from CHF 220.00 CHF 110.00

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Tilia Dress navyRobe en coton laine robrodée

starting from CHF 320.00 CHF 160.00

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Topaz Dress slate greyRobe en crêpe de coton imprimé

starting from CHF 205.00 CHF 102.50

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Bluebell Dress multicolorRobe fluide en crêpe georgette imprimée et fils coupés or

starting from CHF 520.00 CHF 260.00

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Bonpoint x Moon Boot Icon Boots beigeBottes Moonboot & Bonpoint

CHF 355.00 CHF 177.50

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Dixie Blouse camellia pinkBlouse fleurie en coton et laine

starting from CHF 205.00 CHF 102.50

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Daniela Blouse fuchsia pinkChemisier à plis en coton biologique imprimé exclusif Liberty

starting from CHF 205.00 CHF 102.50

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Pétale Smocked Blouse navyBlouse en coton biologique imprimé exclusif Liberty et smocks brodés

starting from CHF 220.00 CHF 110.00

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Tess Blouse beigeBlouse en coton biologique imprimé exclusif Liberty

starting from CHF 220.00 CHF 110.00

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Jaya Blouse grapeBlouse à carreaux en coton

starting from CHF 155.00 CHF 77.50

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Domitille Blouse navy tartanBlouse à carreaux en coton

starting from CHF 220.00 CHF 110.00

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Timber Embroidered blouse slate greyBlouse à carreaux en coton

starting from CHF 180.00 CHF 90.00

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Juna Blouse slate greyBlouse fleurie en crêpe de coton

starting from CHF 155.00 CHF 77.50

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Myriam Blouse sky blueBlouse en coton

starting from CHF 155.00 CHF 77.50

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Blandine Blouse multicolorBlouse fluide en crêpe georgette imprimée et fils coupés or

starting from CHF 370.00 CHF 185.00

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Flash Shorts taupeShort en velours

starting from CHF 245.00 CHF 122.50

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